Issue One
Issue One
In 2011 I graduated with a degree in photography from Falmouth University. Stepping back into the real world I began working on my professional portfolios, weddings, portraiture, advertising. As well as trying to earn money, I was attempting to find myself as a photographer. Although as it transpired, I already had. I just hadn’t seen it yet. Something Simon Anderson told me later in life comes to mind, ‘you can’t know where you’re going, unless you know where you’re from’ and this is so true. Despite the degree, I came full circle back to where it began. To what I saw during my own personal Grand Tour.
As I rather unenthusiastically began exploring the world of commercial photography, I also had the projects I had worked on during my degree. Surfing was at the heart of it, but rubbish featured heavily. It was these projects that I was enthusiastically photographing. To tie them together I made a magazine. The first draft was put together in Photoshop, and I printed it through Blurb. It was a one-off. Help from a friend at this stage gave light to the wonders of In-design. It was a revelation to see that text could move between boxes. I didn’t have to continuously cut and paste.
With a tangible hard copy in my hand, I had something to show people and with some encouragement from friends I was told I might be able to do something with it. Nervously I took what I had made, approached people and businesses I new and presented them with a proposition. I wanted to do a print run, would you support me with some money for an ad. I was amazed that people said yes.
With the backing of business and the support of friends I produced the Point, issue one. Signed and numbered, the Point grew into 1,000 copies and with it the confusing and mysterious world of making magazines began to emerge.